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Teacher @ Oakland Technical High School, 8/21 – Now

Physics, AP Physics, Geometry, AP Statistcs, Algebra 2, AP Computer Science Principles, Computer Science Capstone

Software Developer @ Node Audio, 9/20 – 8/21

worked with a team of coders and directly with clients to design and develop commercial audio plugins

Open-Source Software Developer, 9/19 – 9/20

Participant @ The Recurse Center, 7/19 – 9/19

a self-directed, community-driven educational retreat for programmers

Research Intern @ Numenta, 12/18 – 4/19

AI / neuroscience research

MS, Astronomy @ The University of Wisconsin–Madison, 6/15 – 8/17

observations and computational modeling of stellar evolution in binary star systems

BS, Physics @ The College of New Jersey, 8/11 – 5/15

galactic jets, time-domain astrophysics, computational fluid dynamics